Tag Archives: Jan Dykstra

Circuit Bending

Things i love about the Academy of Popculture; Circuit Bending.

guest, Jan Dijkstra, was one of the most fun colleges i have followed
yet. (Don’t worry Fer Abrahams and Buutvrij, i didn’t forget you guys.)

Jan Dijkstra is a teacher by day, but a genius circuit-bender in
his spare time. His favorite machiner-bending involves toys. Like the
V-Tech ‘Start Smart’, a small computer to help kids learn about
language and simple math. Furbys And music-instument like toys. Use
your imagination, as there are many of these.

To help further explain Circuit Bending (in case you dont know), I’ve embedded this short clip from Youtube.
“What is Circuit-Bending?”

More about Jan Dijkstra:
Leeuwarder Courant (Dutch)

Other pioneers in circuit bending:
Reed Ghazala
(Dubbed the ‘father of Cicuit-Bending’, though, the roots of circuit-bending go even further back.)
Peter Blasser (Interview about the ‘Shinth’)

Other useful links: